• The Monte del Pilar Campus is for the exclusive use of MAPFRE employees and Managers, for internal purposes and/or activities with third parties (as long as they relate to MAPFRE’s business or institutional representation activities).
  • Therefore, any other activities or meetings organized by MAPFRE companies or Managers that are not inherent to our business are excluded.
  • There is a reservation procedure for room availability, whether for training sessions or meetings (link to document).
  • The workcenter is a work area and therefore, may not be reserved for use as an IT classroom (with the exception of internal needs for classroom management purposes).
  • Accommodation reservations are to be made directly through Campus reception by email (mailbox and copy to the Management Manager) – including the necessary information for completing the reservation.
  • Classroom and lecture hall reservations must be directed to the manager in writing by email (cguillen@mapfre.com) and a copy sent to the Campus mailbox: zzd MAPFRESA Campus Monte del Pilar using the request form (link).
  • The request must include the name of the meeting/course, number of participants, classroom configuration, resources needed (audiovisual and support) and complete data relating to the Entity (including its cost center for invoice issuing purposes). Similarly, the reservation must specify the needs of the course or meeting:
    • Water, morning coffee, lunch, afternoon coffee, dinner.
    • Special needs (videoconference, simultaneous translation, etc.)

Mass resevations

  • Annual course timetables or schedules will not be accepted for purposes of formalizing mass reservations of lecture halls/classrooms.
  • The Campus will send confirmations for classroom reservations in writing, by sending an email to the contact person or requester within 48 working hours upon receipt of the request.
  • The cancellation of any reservation by the requesting Entity (MAPFRE) must be notified with a minimum advance time of 48 hours. If this period is not observed, the requesting entity will be invoiced for any costs incurred.
  • Reservations that require a guided visit of the Museums (Venancio Blanco Religious Museum) must be requested in writing using the same form as for classroom reservations. (Visits to the museum may be included in the Comments field of the reservations document)
  • Where the use of any additional software is required, over and above that which is already installed in the equipment of the reserved classroom, the MAPFRE Entity that requests the reservation is responsible for acquiring, installing, testing and subsequently uninstalling the necessary licenses. In any case, the Campus manager must be notified, by email, of the date and time scheduled for the installation.
  • All information entered into the classroom computers must be deleted upon termination of the session for which the reservation has been made.

All information found on the equipment will be considered as being in the public domain.

It is advisable to refrain from loading confidential documentation onto the computers. If it is absolutely necessary to do so, the person who uses that information is responsible for safeguarding its confidentiality and for securely deleting it. THE BUILDING – (OWNER) assumes no liability in cases where this is not complied with.

The offices in each room are equipped with a desktop computer providing full access to Internet and Digital TV.

Once it is turned on, a session may be started in either of two ways:

  • MAPFRE ACCESS: MAPFRE employee profile. Requires an ID (NUUMA) and your Password or personal password.
  • KIOSK ACCESS: basic profile that does not require any type of access password.
As of 10 pm, entry to and/or exit from the Main Building must be through the Control Center.

To leave the Campus using your own vehicle, a white security card is required to open the access points to the estate.

On the day of departure, you must remove all of your personal belongings from the room after breakfast. You may leave your luggage in the baggage room at Reception for as long as you need.